Monday, August 17, 2009


Hmm... today i had an interesting question tat came into my mind that i was pondering about all day

I was wondering if it was possible to forget a skill you have acquired through experience

Because i have gotten the Designers eye now which i regretfully dont want now, during 1st year uni my tutor said that one day she got the designers eye and notice that she looks are everything with an artistic view now which i wanted and now have gotten. which isnt a bad thing seeing art in everything but the downfall is that you end up hating your own work and sometimes judging others ppl (hard)work that they have done for you or done. which is whats really annoying me because i use to be happy with what i produced but now when i look back over everything they all look crap to me.

yeah thats why im wondering if it is possible to forget a skill you have required

1 comment:

  1. you have the GRIFFITH designer's eye :O hahaha thats not the real designer's eye ;)
