Monday, July 20, 2009


yeah double post today

well this morning i had a dream about skirmish and what was interesting was that it started out normal shooting, dodging paintballs and stuff but then during the game i noticed that no one was really playing the game meaning that we had to capture the flag and put it on the enemy's base so i just dropped my gun because i didnt have any money with me so i couldn't buy any extra ammo and that was my conclusion of saving ammo for later games and ran for the flag which was in the middle of the classroom (yeah... the skirmish game was inside a classroom and there was only 1 flag you could capture) once i got it i bolted to the side of the classroom and dived in between a couple of desk.Tthen everyone on the opposite team turned and started shooting me while i was in mid air so i was counted as dead since i got shot like 10+ times before i landed

After that there was a shootout between me and someone else and only one person was allowed the gun and i wanted to be shot so i let the other person have the gun but then the organiser decided to give me the gun and shoot the other person so i was nice enough to ask where do you want to be shot and he choose his groin which was surprising and i thought i was only meant to shoot once so i did and the bullet curved hit his leg instead but then the organiser said is that it??? so i just kept shooting after that like another 15 times because he fell to the ground which was about the same time i woke up

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