Thursday, April 16, 2009

No HAts :(

I've decided to do change something that represented me which was/is my hat

funny thing is tat there's a story behind why i wear a hat all the time.

It was during the days i was at Warrigle Rd Primary school and they had a rule where you have to wear a hat at lunch time so u could play on the oval and playground. I use to forget to bring my hat all the time and could never go out to play, so i just figured to wear it everywhere so i dont forget it and could always play :D which worked out fine and since it went on for 7 years it just became a habit of mine to wear it everywhere.

I think maybe high school would be another reason i wore a hat everywhere because since i was a lazy person and couldn't be bother to do my hair in the morning, so the hat just became the quick and easy answer :D

yeah today is a new day and decided not to wear at hat anymore/much and seeing if i can break out of this bad/good habit


  1. Now, that explains ALOT.
    How about 20 push-ups for everytime you wear a cap? Will that help?
    Good to see you blog regularly :).

  2. man... im going to be buff by the time i get use to not wearing a hat

    and it feels weird as well not having a hat
